Growing Tree Toys has teamed up with SC Johnson’s Shout and their new Go Play Initiative and Sweepstakes. “Go Play is all about encouraging kids and parents to get outside and play. Play is fundamental to positive cognitive development; it’s how kids solve problems; how they develop coping skills and master the art of conflict resolution. It’s how they become happy, healthy adults.”
I was lucky enough to be selected to be selected to take part in the product review. One of the first things I pulled out of the box were the 52 Nature Activity Cards, By Lynn Gordon. These are awesome! I kid you not.
The first card off the top of the pile had to do with gathering leaves and the second with coloring leaves by laying them under a piece of paper and pulling the texture and shape of the leaf onto the paper. I know this is a simple idea and we all probably did this a grade school age children, but thats what I loved about it. It was simple every day items and a fun craft that was out of our normal routine. As I have looked through the rest of the cards they all seem this way. Quick and easy, but the obvious things you might not think to do right away. We have enjoyed them
As for the Shout products I was "lucky" to not have to use them right away. ha. When does that ever happen. I had to laugh when, Bennett spilled ketchup down the front of his shirt, and I got excited because I was going to get to use the shout products. I cheered again later that week when Jackson took a friendly wrestling match into the ONLY muddy patch in the grass. But my second reaction...? Are you kidding me THE ONLY muddy patch and he ended up in it?! Of course. :)
As for Jackson's more stubborn stains--when everything settled I found we had khaki pants with mud and grass stains all over them. I seriously thought I didn't want to face them and since we were in our sunday clothes, I thought for sure these clothes would be new play clothes, but I tried the Shout Advanced Ultra Gel, and it worked wonders. It is one of my favorite stain removers. I felt like it really did the job without a lot of arm work on my part.
As for your new bestie. You are going to love the Shout Color Catcher . First let me say I am really lucky to have a husband who does our laundry 90% of the time. Lucky, I know. But we have quite a few accidents when a brand new dark color gets put in the wash with our lighter colors. Oh I cringe, when it happens, but can't complain because of all the help I am getting. However, we will no longer be having this problem, with these new color catcher sheets. They really work! You have to use 2-3 in a load but they work and are awesome!
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Get a Coupon for Shout Color Catcher...Here.
I agree, play is fundamental to positive cognitive development and helps kids solve problems.
Posted by: Toys | January 22, 2011 at 06:05 PM